View the Alida Cases dashboard

Monitor metrics from cases created by the rules engine and cases created manually using the Alida Cases dashboard.

  • Create a rule
  • To perform this task, you must be an Admin, Power User, or Author.
  • The dashboard only contains data from enabled rules and manually created cases.
  • The dashboard is available in English only.
  1. Open the TXM app.
  2. On the Dashboards page, click the Alida Cases tab.
  3. Find the results of the Alida Cases dashboard reflected.
    Tiles Description
    Period Metrics Cases created and closed within the last 7 days are displayed.
    Status of Open Cases This tile displays a snapshot of all open cases sorted by their status at this time.
    Case Aging The tile displays a breakdown of cases by duration, measured from the Creation Date until today.
    Cases Overdue Displays a breakdown of overdue cases by duration, measured from the Due Date until today.